Taking Flight

As I am thinking about our wings given to us in life, I of course immediately reflect on the many types of birds that we see who consistently “take flight”, as the way for them to get to their next destination -- their next provision. With birds, it is there nature to fly, and I doubt that they complain about doing it.

Our wings of life, though not feathered, are just as vital to our existence and victories in connection to our Creator’s marvelous plan for each our lives. Our wings can come through opportunities that come our way, that we take advantage of and attempt; with or without fear. Many times these doors of opportunities can be as simple as connecting us to our next door of provision; a new job, new levels of education, new ways to engage in our community for the greater good of others.

I have seen momma birds teach, nurture, and push their baby birds out of the nest, when they knew that they had even the fledgling ability and minimum innate skills to start flapping their wings, causing them to TAKE FLIGHT. Initially, I would imagine that the flights are short, and they quickly return to the nest for safety; but, as they realize that they “were born to do this”, they gain confidence as quickly learn to appreciate the value of their wings. We must do this as well. The more we in faith, and without fear TAKE FLIGHT to go through new doors of opportunities to accomplish personal dreams and goals, we too, will gain the confidence needed for us to fly, and soar into our destiny.

This will take a lot of practice . . . but life provides the nest for that each day of our lives. Remember our wings cannot be clipped unless we allow them to be by fear, doubt and procrastination.

Let’s make a decision today to TAKE FLIGHT and SOAR boldly and confidently into each of our life’s successes.












The Winds of Life

The Winds if Life

Yes, March is here. The month when many people immediately think "windy". Most of us have heard that over the years and experienced it as well. From a proverbial standpoint, when we think about the "Winds of Life", our thoughts lean toward difficult or turbulent times. I will admit, when the title of today's writing came to me, I did immediately think about the challenging or hard times as it relates to the "winds of life".  But just as quickly, I was reminded of another way to look at the winds we encounter in our life's journey –just not through the lenses of the harsh winds of trials, but of the soft or moderate winds that usher in hope, newness, freshness, and opportunities for positive change in our lives.

When reflecting on different terms associated with natural winds, I remember over the years, hearing about headwinds and tailwinds. Even without knowing the details of the meteorological context, I know in my heart that the winds we encounter have a purpose. Our job is to make inquiry of God to insure we receive the needed insights regarding the purpose of the various circumstantial winds allowed in our lives.

Hoping that you will join me in learning to not always to resist the wind, (like we really can anyway), but to always remember to seek God as our Anchor during the times of strong and the soft winds that we experience throughout our life's journey.

We can take valuable lessons from the tall and beautiful trees we see, that reverently "bend and bow" when the strong winds blow; but don't break.  --- KEEP THE FAITH!

A Time to Soar!

I am blessed to be welcomed into this New Year with hope and optimism for the future; not just for my life, but family, friends, our Community and our Nation. As I looked forward to this year as last year was wrapping up, I thought briefly about some occasions of life turbulence that I either encountered or observed in the past as a way to do some reflection and obtain closure.

Now that we are here in 2017, I want to encourage you to choose to soar like an eagle this year. The eagle has been divinely created and has the ability to safely soar above any turbulence in the sky.  This innate ability the eagle has to soar, does not mean that turbulence or obstacles do not occur or present themselves, but the eagle, like us, has learned to draw on its’ strength within to overcome while on his journey.  One characteristic of the eagle stands out to me; that he knows who he is before he takes flight every morning. So must we be confident as we take our first steps each morning. We must know that we also are divinely created and have what it takes to soar above any obstacle that comes our way, as we pursue our life goals and dreams. Remember who you are created to be and that you can soar like an eagle!

Looking forward to the view from the top . . . as we soar over every obstacle this year.

Let's remember, If God is for us, who can be against us?


An Ultimate Gift - The Gift of Reading

This Christmas and Holiday Season should especially prompt us to think of how we can give. This special time of year often allows many of us to immerse our thoughts in thinking of the various ways we can give to others; be it to family, friends, and even those we would consider strangers. Our giving can come in many forms to include our time, talent, finances, encouragement and other ways.

There are many great gifts that any of us can give to others, or have received; but there is one, I will say definitely ranks as an ultimate gift; and that is the precious Gift of Reading that we have been given and can give to others. This powerful life-changing gift is one that keeps on giving. You now have the opportunity to become the an ultimate giver.

I hope during this Holiday Season that you will consider giving in numerous ways, but specifically by giving the Gift of Reading to help another adult learn to read, and improve their reading.


Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!




A Salute to Our Adult Learners

Our adult learners are precious to me and those who have come along side us to support our adult literacy mission. Amongst the many lights that gleam from every participant and supporter of Fill My Cup!  I will say without hesitation, that the most brilliant light is that of our adult learner.

I still fondly remember over the years, when first meeting a new learner, how even the smallest glimmer of hope that they held on to, was so inspiring to me as we began to work on helping them learn to read. The light of hope that I saw radiate in a new adult learner's life on those occasions, always reminds me of how light will always dispel and overcome darkness in our lives.

I believe that the life tool of adult literacy, provides the kindling for the fire of victory that is set ablaze in our learners as they work toward their adult literacy goals.  As an adult learner’s light brightens as they become more confident in their reading and other life-skills, they set a blaze in motion for all who are in their path; every volunteer, tutor, instructor, staff and fellow students.

Even though Adult Illiteracy has been the best kept secret in town; our students or adult learners continue to bring the hope, dedication, courage and strength, needed to let their light destroy the darkness that adult illiteracy can bring to one’s life.

For this, I Salute Our Adult Learners!

“May Your Beacon Light Continually Inspire Us.”

THANKFULNESS - Let it Overflow

Thankfulness:  It can be a catalyst for increase . . . for change . . .  for good . . . for destiny.

Being THANKFUL, is one thing, but the overflow of our being thankful unto God can become something tangible in the earth......"ThankfulNESS".

Even though in today's society being thankful is quite subjective and perhaps relative, but it definitely should have an established place in each of our hearts. I find that by being intentionally thankful in life really does take the self-imposed pressure off of me.

 A constant state of thankfulness unto God, causes me to remember that as scripture tells me, I can do nothing of myself, (ref. John 5: 30a); nor in my own strength. I don't know about you, but for me that is a sigh of relief for the challenges of our everyday lives.

The simplicity of thankfulness can be so profound in our lives as we become intentional in activating this lifeline we all have been given. Yes, I hear you saying, "but there are circumstances, situations, tests and trials where being thankful is not your first response".    Yes, I must agree that this has been occasionally true in many of our lives. In light of that reality, I encourage you to keep a "thankful response" on reserve --poised and waiting for the difficult times. It will continue to cause you to triumph.

Happy Thanksgiving from our Fill My Cup! Family to Yours!


What's in a story?

As we who enjoy reading have read various books throughout our lifetime, we found out in each instance there was a story that was shared, which had a beginning, a middle and an end.  Even if the information we read was an excerpt from a book, or article, or a story we heard, it still touched on at least one of the three stages of any story (the beginning, the middle, or the end). 

As I recently reflected on this truth of life, that everybody has a story; it brought me full circle to my gratitude for the opportunity to help others at a given stage of their story. The wonderful opportunity to serve presents itself in our families, our friendships, our workplace, our church, and our community.

The reality that all of us have “a story” can be summed up from a societal connection point of view as: “My Story . . . Your Story . . . and His Story.”  Each person’s story, no matter how unique, has similarities to our or another person’s story. I will call it a connection point between people. I am learning that if we are mindful of connection points or facets of another person’s story that we identify with them, empathize with them, or simply have compassion for them. This can be the motivation we need to take action to serve! We can help by using our gifts and talents that we have been graced with from Above.

I am reminded of a frequent commercial that asks, “What’s in your wallet?”, but instead let’s ask ourselves today . . . What’s in your story? that can help and encourage someone else to move forward in victory in his or her story.

What Motivates You to Serve?

Adult literacy is important to me because it is something that I have been given the ability to do, (the Gift of Reading), that I can share with someone else and they can hopefully do the same. It’s an opportunity to make a change in the lives of others today and for the generations of tomorrow.

Some years ago, when I heard that there was such a widespread problem . . . yes, like many of you, I really did not know, nor had it ever crossed my mind that especially in the United States of America, that there were people that had not learned to read or were not functionally literate. Once I became aware—I became responsible. My sense of responsibility to others made me think about what I could do to help someone who could not read.

My response came in the form of action, by immediately acquiring a laptop with a rolling bag on wheels and began teaching my first student to read. I was deeply touched by what I now know as a simple life truth in that the “Each One Reach One” approach can make a difference in all lives of other adults, as well as their families. The word spread, other’s needed help, I reached out for help . . . other resources and volunteers came; and here I am sharing with you today as a long standing grassroots non-profit organization —14 years later!

I continue to encourage loved ones who seek help for their family members who need to learn to read, improve their reading or obtain needed pre-GED skills, to continue to help your love ones fight the good fight of faith against the battle of illiteracy in their lives.

My being mindful that I was created with a divine purpose in mind, and that it is my responsibility on a daily basis, to learn what that means for my life; I always try to remember that every action and interaction is tied to God’s purpose for my life.

“May the abounding Love of God always be my motivation to serve.”