THANKFULNESS - Let it Overflow

Thankfulness:  It can be a catalyst for increase . . . for change . . .  for good . . . for destiny.

Being THANKFUL, is one thing, but the overflow of our being thankful unto God can become something tangible in the earth......"ThankfulNESS".

Even though in today's society being thankful is quite subjective and perhaps relative, but it definitely should have an established place in each of our hearts. I find that by being intentionally thankful in life really does take the self-imposed pressure off of me.

 A constant state of thankfulness unto God, causes me to remember that as scripture tells me, I can do nothing of myself, (ref. John 5: 30a); nor in my own strength. I don't know about you, but for me that is a sigh of relief for the challenges of our everyday lives.

The simplicity of thankfulness can be so profound in our lives as we become intentional in activating this lifeline we all have been given. Yes, I hear you saying, "but there are circumstances, situations, tests and trials where being thankful is not your first response".    Yes, I must agree that this has been occasionally true in many of our lives. In light of that reality, I encourage you to keep a "thankful response" on reserve --poised and waiting for the difficult times. It will continue to cause you to triumph.

Happy Thanksgiving from our Fill My Cup! Family to Yours!