A Time to Soar!

I am blessed to be welcomed into this New Year with hope and optimism for the future; not just for my life, but family, friends, our Community and our Nation. As I looked forward to this year as last year was wrapping up, I thought briefly about some occasions of life turbulence that I either encountered or observed in the past as a way to do some reflection and obtain closure.

Now that we are here in 2017, I want to encourage you to choose to soar like an eagle this year. The eagle has been divinely created and has the ability to safely soar above any turbulence in the sky.  This innate ability the eagle has to soar, does not mean that turbulence or obstacles do not occur or present themselves, but the eagle, like us, has learned to draw on its’ strength within to overcome while on his journey.  One characteristic of the eagle stands out to me; that he knows who he is before he takes flight every morning. So must we be confident as we take our first steps each morning. We must know that we also are divinely created and have what it takes to soar above any obstacle that comes our way, as we pursue our life goals and dreams. Remember who you are created to be and that you can soar like an eagle!

Looking forward to the view from the top . . . as we soar over every obstacle this year.

Let's remember, If God is for us, who can be against us?